Now glory be to God!
By his mighty power at work within us,
he is able to accomplish infinitely more
than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

Ephesians 3:20

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Attacks Are Not New

I prayed "Hear us our God.  We are hated.  Turn the insults of Sanballat and Tobia back on their own heads.  Let them be captured and stolen like valuables.  Do not hide their guilt or take away their sins so that you cannot see them, because they have insulted the builders."  Nehemiah 4:4-5

When God's people are doing God's work, there is/was/always has been attack.  Strife.  Struggle.  
It is not new.  It is not only happening to me.  Verse 8 says that Sanballat and Tobiah "made plans to come to Jerusalem and fight and stir up trouble."  
Hmmm, even in Biblical times, there were instigators and people who liked to stir up trouble!

How do you do around conflict?  Gossip?  Are you an instigator?  Or maybe there are instigators in your life?  How do you deal with them?

Dear Lord,
Help me to not be an instigator.  
Help me to not stir up trouble and strife.  
Help me to not be the cause of fights and conflict.  
Help me to keep my focus right when I face these sorts of attacks.  
Let me not be distracted.  
Help me to help others.  
Keep my focus on You, Lord.  
You know.  You see.  You hear.  You care.  
Thank you Lord.  

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