Now glory be to God!
By his mighty power at work within us,
he is able to accomplish infinitely more
than we would ever dare to ask or hope.

Ephesians 3:20

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Saturday, September 29, 2012

On Our Way.

It has been a journey of mixed emotions. Sadness.  Happiness.  Excitement.  Stress.  Anxiety.  Today is day three of our cross country trek.  Yesterday, I had quit a bit of anxiety.  Today, I woke up EXCITED.  I am excited this morning as we begin the last leg of our trek.  I'm looking forward to getting there and getting settled.  To exploring our new locale.  To meeting new people and going new places.  It's an adventure, and I love an adventure.

Prayers appreciated as we continue this journey.  So far, things have gone mostly smoothly.  Here's hoping that continues.

Hopefully more well thought out posts will follow.  This is just a quick random update while I have an internet connection. 

Trusting God and following where He leads.  Life's an adventure.  :-)

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